
Miki represents the next generation of Chain Abstraction interfaces, aimed at simplifying the increasing complexity of blockchain technology and revolutionizing user experiences. Through this platform, users can execute transactions on any chain without necessarily holding assets on every chain, all while depositing assets and earning returns. This document elucidates Miki's vision and commitment to the future.

The Growing Challenges of Blockchain Complexity

As blockchain technology expands, it ironically complicates the user experience. Users face three main challenges in this fragmented ecosystem:

  1. Native Assets: To execute transactions on various chains, users must possess the native token of each chain. This necessity can become challenging, especially when direct transfers of these assets across chains are limited by the lack of comprehensive bridge support.
  2. Balance fragmentation: Managing and transferring a variety of tokens across chains demands significant time and effort, involving complex processes like swaps and bridging.
  3. Network Configuration: Using new chains requires cumbersome network configurations, similar to constantly switching internet protocols, adding needless complexity.

Despite its potential to drive innovation, the growing diversity of blockchains burdens users with a complex maze of tasks, complicating their interaction with the technology.

Streamlining the Dapps Experience: Miki’s Chain Abstraction Solution

Miki cuts through the complexity of blockchain, enabling effortless interaction with Dapps across any chain for all users. The process is straightforward:

Deposit and Execute: Just deposit your assets on your preferred chain, and you're ready to access and transact on any blockchain. Think of it like a bank deposit: just as you can shop worldwide with a debit card after a single deposit, Miki allows access to all chains with one initial deposit. Whether you're looking to engage in swapping, lending, or providing liquidity without having assets on that specific chain, it's no issue. Miki references your deposited assets to facilitate transactions, ensuring you can engage with any application, anytime, without the need for assets on multiple chains.

Asset Yield Generation: Just as deposits in a bank accrue interest until withdrawn, Miki utilizes the assets users deposit to generate yields. This not only enhances the user experience by offering financial benefits beyond mere transaction facilitation but also contrasts with traditional Centralized Exchanges (CEXs) and bridges. In traditional settings, assets must be held in a wallet without yield potential until exchanged. Miki revolutionizes this by allowing assets to work for the user, generating profit even when not actively engaged in transactions.

Unlocking the Full Potential of Transactions with Miki

Miki is capable of executing any transaction across the blockchain universe, but let's highlight some particularly beneficial uses for users.

Effortless Token Transfers

Imagine a common scenario among crypto users: Alice wants to receive 10 USDC on the Optimism chain, but Bob only has ETH on Arbitrum. With Miki, cross-chain token transfers are streamlined, allowing Bob to easily send the USDC to Alice, regardless of the chains or currencies they hold. This functionality eradicates the hassle of navigating multiple chains and currencies for simple transactions.